<アール・ワイルド ラフマニノフ歌曲編曲
1 : Songs (6), Op. 4: no 4, Sing not to me, beautiful maiden
2 : Songs (15), Op. 26: no 7, To the children
3 : Songs (12), Op. 14: no 8, Oh, do not grieve
4 : Songs (12), Op. 21: no 8, On the death of a linnet
5 : Songs (14), Op. 34: no 1, The muse
6 : Songs (14), Op. 34: no 14, Vocalise
7 : Songs (6), Op. 4: no 3, In the silence of the night
8 : Songs (12), Op. 14: no 11, Spring waters
9 : Songs (6), Op. 38: no 5, A dream
10 : Songs (12), Op. 21: no 12, How painful for me
11 : Songs (12), Op. 14: no 2, The isle
12 : Songs (12), Op. 14: no 5, These summer nights
13 : Songs (14), Op. 34: no 14, Vocalise
14 : Songs (6), Op. 4: no 3, In the silence of the night
15 : Songs (12), Op. 21: no 7, How fair this spot
16 : Songs (6), Op. 4: no 3, In the silence of the night
17 : Songs (12), Op. 14: no 11, Spring waters
18 : Songs (12), Op. 21: no 7, How fair this spot
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