著者 : 夏目漱石
Botchan has a chip on his shoulder. His elder brother is his parents' obvious favorite and Botchan only receives any attention at all if he misbehaves. After his parents die, Botchan is cut off by his brother and drifts into a job teaching math in a small provincial town far from the big city. Thrust into this alien environment, Botchan finds nothing but trouble-from his nosy landlord; his students, who delight in tormenting him; his fellow teachers, each of whom he christens with a sly nickname-Porcupine, Green Squash, Badger, Red Shirt-and others who insist on complicating his life. The result is chaos, told with great wit and irony that make this Soseki's funniest novel. A modern classic in Japan, Botchan is as widely read today as when it was first published, occupying a place in the canon similar to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or The Catcher in the Rye. Botchan's coming-of-age quest to navigate the hypocrisy of his peers while remaining true to what is honest and good never fails to capture the hearts and imaginations of readers.
発行部数700万部、日本で一番売れたとされる小説を、気鋭のBL漫画家が描いた美しいイラストとともに読める。 この作品では、エゴイズムと心の機微、罪への葛藤などが描かれ、高校の教科書にも掲載。 読み仮名が多く、用語解説もあり、中学生も大人も読める
留学帰りの健三は仕事に忙殺され、妻子を思いやる余裕もなく日々を過ごしていた。 ある日、彼のもとへ絶縁したはずの養父・島田が金の無心にやって来る。かつての恩義や見栄のため、頼みを断れない彼に嫌気がさす身重の妻。 しかし意固地な二人は話し合うこともせず、すれ違う。 腹違いの姉からも経済的支援をせがまれ、健三の苦悩は深まる。そんな中、妻は出産を迎えるが……。 分かり合いたい、分かってもらいたい、けれども分かり合えない二人。 互いへの理解を諦めきれない夫婦の姿を克明に描く、漱石後期の名作。