小説むすび | 出版社 : チャールズ・イー・タトル出版

出版社 : チャールズ・イー・タトル出版

Japanese Tales of Mystery and ImaginationJapanese Tales of Mystery and Imagination

This collection of mystery and horror stories is regarded as Japan's answer to Edgar Allan Poe. Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination, the first volume of its kind translated into English, is written with the quick tempo of the West but rich with the fantasy of the East. These nine bloodcurdling, chilling tales present a genre of literature largely unknown to readers outside Japan, including the strange story of a quadruple amputee and his perverse wife; the record of a man who creates a mysterious chamber of mirrors and discovers hidden pleasures within; the morbid confession of a maniac who envisions a career of foolproof "psychological" murders; and the bizarre tale of a chair-maker who buries himself inside an armchair and enjoys the sordid "loves" of the women who sit on his handiwork. Lucid and packed with suspense, Edogawa Rampo's stories found in Japanese Tales of Mystery & Imagination have enthralled Japanese readers for over half a century. Mystery stories include: ●The Human Chair ●The Caterpillar ●Two Crippled Men ●The Traveler with the Pasted Rag Picture 江戸川乱歩短編集 [英文版] 『芋虫』 、『人間椅子』、『鏡地獄』など、半世紀以上に渡り日本の読者を魅了してきた血も凍るような傑作9篇を収録。西洋特有の早いテンポと東洋ならではのファンタジーが織り交ぜられた乱歩のミステリーを英語でお楽しみください。

Supernatural Tales from JapanSupernatural Tales from Japan

This collection of fifteen chilling tales brings to life a world where the supernatural and earthly realms are seamlessly entwined. The ghosts, goblins and magical creatures in its pages are by turns mischievous, terrifying, protective and tender. Included in this anthology are: ●"The Badger Haunted Temple": A brazen group of friends attempts to rid a temple of a gluttonous, shape-shifting goblin who has taken up residence there ●"A Cherry Flower Idyll": A young man falls in love with the ethereal spirit of a cherry blossom tree and vows to find her in the mortal world ●"The Story of Mimi Nashi Hoichi": A blind bard is summoned to recite the tale of a famous battle to the ghosts of its victims, only to find that his own life is at risk And twelve other supernatural tales, including several that rarely appear in English! Passed down through generations, these classic tales are beautifully retold by Lafcadio Hearn and Yei Theodora Ozaki, two great interpreters of Japanese folk traditions. This volume features a deluxe hardcover binding and sixteen all new, full-color illustrations by contemporary Japanese yokai artist Sakyu. It will be treasured by fans of yokai and Japanese culture, as well as anyone who enjoys a good ghost story. 日本の怪奇物語集

In Ghostly JapanIn Ghostly Japan

In this book, famed author Lafcadio Hearn presents 14 fascinating stories-including deathless ghosts and yokai, local folklore and haunted places, as well as Buddhist traditions. This edition includes a new foreword by Michael Dylan Foster which explains the book's importance as a Japanese cultural and literary classic. The Japanese have two kinds of ghosts in their folklore-the spirits of the dead and the spirits of the living. In Ghostly Japan examines both and, in the process, offers a fascinating window into Japan's supernatural and spiritual world. The 14 stories include: ●"Fragment"-A young pilgrim encounters a mountain of skulls and is shown a terrible truth ●"Ingwa-banashi"-On her deathbed, a dying wife bequeaths to her young rival a sinister and horrific gift ●"A Passional Karma"-A spectral beauty transcends death to return for her handsome samurai lover ●"Story of a Tengu"-A priest saves the life of a Yokai monk and is granted a wish, but the outcome is not as expected 霊の日本 再話作家の第一人者であるハーンが日本の霊を描く14編をまとめた短編集。「振袖」、「焼津にて」、「悪因縁」など、伝説からエッセイまで幅広く扱った本書は、霊やご先祖様と交わる古き良き日本を垣間見ることができます。また、ハーンは作品において、ただの「おばけ」ではない“日本の八百万の神々と源を同じくしている物の怪”と“失われた日本の姿”の存在を伝えています。日本の文化や文学における本作品の重要性を解説した新しい序文も必見です。

Hojoki: A Buddhist Reflection on SolitudeHojoki: A Buddhist Reflection on Solitude

Discover the tranquil wisdom of Chomei's 13th-century masterpiece, Hojoki, as it unveils the beauty of imperfection and the serenity of a simple life amidst the chaos of existence. Hojoki is an introspective poem written in the 13th century by the enigmatic Japanese hermit Kamo no Chomei, who as a young man served in the capital as official court poet but later in life withdrew from society. Composed in a time of devastating fires, floods, earthquakes, droughts and famines, Chomei's masterpiece reflects on the impermanence of things, expressing life's mysterious beauty and the profound wisdom to be found in nature. Chomei paints a vivid picture of the chaos and suffering of the human condition. Amidst this turmoil, he discovers an oasis of calm in a simple mountain hut, where he contemplates the virtues of nature and the wabi sabi beauty of imperfection in all things. 方丈記(英文版) 鎌倉時代前期の1212年に鴨長明によって書かれた名随筆『方丈記』の英訳版。前近代の日本都市史が専門の史学博士、マシュー・スタブロスによる新訳でお届けいたします。繰り返される政変と大火、洪水、地震、干ばつ、飢饉が頻発した不安定な時代に書かれた長明の傑作は、仏教的な無常観を映し出し、人の世の儚さを綴ります。五つの災厄と長明自身の苦悩、そして出家後、方丈庵での隠遁生活までを辿る方丈記は、混沌とした世の中で、不完全であることの美しさと、シンプルな生活の静けさを解き明かします。また本書には方丈記が書かれた時代背景や随筆にみられる文脈的な詳細や文学的引用、そして他著作の影響などを明らかにする学術的な注釈や地図も含まれています。さらに、日本文学研究家レジナルド・ジャクソンの静謐な写真とアートワーク付きで、方丈記の内省的な世界観を深く味わうことができます。


Set in the turbulent Meiji era, a chance encounter on a Kamakura beach irrevocably links a young student to a man he simply calls "Sensei." Intrigued by Sensei's aloofness and wanting to know more about him, the student begins to call upon Sensei with increasing frequency. Eventually, Sensei and his beautiful wife open up their home and their lives to him. The young student graduates from university and is called home to his dying father, but the Sensei draws him back to Tokyo with a letter of heartfelt confession. ... Written in 1914, Kokoro provides a timeless psychological analysis of one man's alienation from society, and starkly but gently shows the depth of both friendship and love. こころ(英文版) 明治末期、若い学生であった少年は鎌倉の海岸である男に出会う。どこか寂し気で、打ち解けない態度のその男に関心を持った少年は、いつしか男を「先生」と呼ぶようになる。鎌倉から戻った後も、先生と先生の妻と交流を深めていき、やがては家を出入りするようにまでになった。少年は大学卒業後、父親が危篤状態に陥ったため、実家に呼び戻された。その折に少年の元に先生から手紙が届いた。そこにはずっと語られなかった、「先生」の若き頃の友情と愛との葛藤の告白が綴られていた。 1914年に執筆された夏目漱石の代表作の一つ。

The Heike StoryThe Heike Story

A page-turner by Japan's most popular writer of the immediate post-war era! Set in Japan's turbulent 12th century, this fast-paced novel recounts the titanic struggle between two leading Japanese clans--the Heike and the Genji--as they seek to pacify a fractured nation, ultimately turning on each other in their unbridled lust for power. Written by the great Eiji Yoshikawa, this classic work of fiction brings to life the wars, intrigues, feuds and romances surrounding the most dramatic episode in Japanese history. This new edition features a foreword and afterword by historian Alexander Bennett, who explains the backdrop of the novel and its importance as a towering work of modern fiction which sold millions of copies in Japan. Combining raw narrative power, pageantry and poetry, The Heike Story will enthrall readers interested in the drama and spectacle of ancient Japan. 吉川英治の歴史小説『新・平家物語』の英訳書。戦後すぐの1950年から1957年にかけて執筆され、平家の栄華と滅亡までの激動の大戦乱と武士階級の台頭を描いた本書は、戦後の頽廃から復興へと動き始めた昭和中期の幅広い読者層の共感を呼び、「国民文学作家」として親しまれた吉川の代表作品となりました。多様な語りの手法と詩を組み合わせて語られる中世日本の壮大な叙事詩は、日本の歴史と文化を理解する上でも欠かすことの出来ない一冊と言えます。新版となる本書には、アレキサンダー・ベネットによる序文と解説が加わりました。

The Old CapitalThe Old Capital

川端康成の長編小説『古都』英文版。The Old Capital is of one of the three works for which Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel Prize for Literature.Set in Kyoto-the old capital of Japan for a thousand years-this lyric novel traces the life of Chieko,the beloved adopted daughter of a kimono designer and his wife.Believing that she had ben kidnapped by the couple as a baby,Chieko learns one day that she was instead a foundling,left abandoned on a doorstep.Happy with her adopted parents,however,her security and contentment remain undisturbed until an answered prayer at the famous Yasaka Shrine dramatically alters the course of her life.

The Temple of the Golden PavilionThe Temple of the Golden Pavilion

The Temple of Golden Pavilion reflects Mishima's preoccupations with beauty and death in a clear and unmistakable manner. It is also an excellent example of a theme that frequently arises in Mishima's work: the resentment of the object of desire. Because this novel, arguably Mishima's best, reflects the author's suicidal tendencies, it also offers us insight into one of the twentieth century'S greatest and most complex literary icons. 三島由紀夫『金閣寺』 英文版 近代日本文学の金字塔ともいえる三島の最高傑作『金閣寺』の英訳版。1956年に出版されベストセラーとなった本書は1959年にイヴァン・モリスによって翻訳され、欧米世界でも広く読まれてきました。1950年に実際に起きた金閣寺放火事件を題材にした本書は「絶対的な美への嫉妬」が大きなテーマとなっています。光彩陸離たる金閣寺は美の象徴であり、不朽の存在として主人公の精神を蝕み続け、終には放火という行為で自身の生を取り戻すストーリーは、太平洋戦争で敗れた日本の劣弱意識を克服し、高度経済成長期へと突入していく時代の予兆を秘めており、戦後日本を代表する文学として重要な位置を占める作品といえます。

The Best Japanese Short StoriesThe Best Japanese Short Stories

Fourteen distinct voices are assembled in this one-of-a-kind anthology tracing a nation's changing social landscapes. Internationally renowned writers like Yasunari Kawabata, Ryunosuke Akutagawa and Junichi Watanabe are joined by three notable women writers whose works have not yet received sufficient attention--Kanoko Okamoto, Fumiko Hayashi and Yumiko Kurahashi. 日本近代文学短編小説アンソロジー。世界的にも活躍した川端康成、芥川龍之介、渡辺淳一から日本でもほとんどその名を知られていない十一谷義三郎、そして岡本かの子、林芙美子、倉橋由美子ら3人の女性作家を含めた、全14人による短編小説を集めました。開国と明治維新、1923年の関東大震災と第二次世界大戦の壊滅的な被害と敗北から戦後の目まぐるしい高度経済成長期という激動の20世紀日本を生きた作家による、時代を映す多彩な語りを紡ぎ出した珠玉の作品の数々を欧米の読者へ紹介します。 【収録作品】 永井荷風「狐」 里見トン「俄あれ」 芥川龍之介「庭」 十一谷義三郎「青草」 横光利一「比叡山」 岡本かの子「蔦の門」 中山義秀「秋風」 川端康成「日雀」 坂口安吾「戦争と一人の女」 林芙美子「ボルネオ・ダイヤ」 北杜夫「岩尾根にて」 倉橋由美子「醜魔たち」 水上勉「竹の花」 渡辺淳一「自殺のすすめ」

Lafcadio Hearn's JapanLafcadio Hearn's Japan

Lafcadio Hearn is the most significant early interpreter of Japan and Japanese culture for the West--a man who traveled to Japan when he was thirty-nine, and never left. Lafcadio Hearn's Japan presents Hearn's most famous stories and essays about his adopted land--recounting his love for its striking natural beauty and the rich character and customs of its people. Lafcadio Hearn's Japan provides an unforgettable look at traditional Japan through the eyes of a sensitive and eloquent foreigner. This new edition features a foreword by Steve Kemme, a leading expert on Hearn and president of the Lafcadio Hearn Society (USA). It also includes 21 color photos showcasing the people and places which Hearn so lovingly describes. ドナルド・リチーが編纂したライフカディオ・ハーンのエッセイと短編集。ハーン自身が体験した日本庭園の瞑想的な静けさについてのエッセイ『In a Japanese Garden』、日本の伝統文化の豊かさと美しさへの深い愛情を表現した『Strangeness and Charm』など18の魅惑的なエッセイを収録しています。この新版には、ハーンの専門家であり、ラフカディオ・ハーン・ソサエティ (米国) の会長であるスティーブ・ケミによる序文が加わりました。
